Parts, Service and Repair

Broken springs? Noisy door? We can fix that! We carry a wide variety of parts to fit all of your garage door needs. Our service experts have many years of experience and routinely receive excellent customer satisfaction ratings (see testimonials).

  • Extensive parts inventory as well as care & maintenance supplies.
  • 24 hour emergency service.
  • Highly trained service technicians.
  • Serving Skagit, Whatcom, Snohomish, Island and San Juan counties (Washington State).

Note: Crawford Garage Doors, Inc. is not associated with the Crawford garage door “brand,” which has been out of business for many years.


Service Photo Garaage Door Spring

Maintenance Tips

Garage doors and openers, like automobiles, require a certain amount of maintenance to keep them in good working order. By following a few basic maintenance tips you can extend the life of your garage door and keep it operating smoothly and efficiently.

  • Lubrication is very important, and a good quality product should be used on all bearings in the spring shaft as well as the track rollers. Black plastic rollers should not be lubricated, but all other types should. Lubrication of springs is generally not required unless the springs are rusty.
  • DO NOT USE GREASE! Grease will harden in cold weather and make your door extremely hard to operate. Only use silicone based spray or a light lithium based grease. WD-40 is not recommended. You can purchase Fehr silicone based lubricant at our showroom/office.
  • Check for loose hardware, including nuts and bolts, at least twice a year.
  • Springs should only be adjusted or changed by a professional garage door dealer. Springs are under extreme pressure and special care should be taken when working directly with the springs or any parts directly connected to them.
  • Check the lifting cables annually for signs of wear. Frayed strands can cause the door to be out of alignment as it opens, causing improper operation of the door and creating a dangerous condition.
  • If your door does not open by the remote control or wall button, there are two areas to check. Some wall buttons have a safety feature called the “lock out” button. Sometimes this button can get pressed inadvertently, causing the door to remain closed. Also, check the safety sensors at the bottom of your door. There should be a solid light on each sensor. If the lights are blinking or you have no lights at all, the sensors are either out of alignment or broken.
  • When in doubt, call a professional!
Garage Powder Coat Windows